Monday, December 23, 2019

The Effect Of Cell Phone On College Students Interaction...

Report on Literature Search The presence of mobile technologies has significantly affected every aspect of human social interaction. My observation on college students using cell phone at dining hall has raised my question of how does cell phone influences people’s interaction at dinner table. My review topic would be focusing on the effects of cell phone presence on college students’ interaction at dining table. I want to find out how cell phone affects students’ attention on other people sitting around them in the same table. Moreover, how does cell phone affects students’ conversation with others. My research strategy will start with conducting a literature research on published articles that associated with the use of cell phone and†¦show more content†¦The participants were coffee shop customers that agreed to participate in the research after asked about demographic information. They were asked to be seated and randomly assigned to have either casual content of convers ation or meaningful content of conversation for 10 minutes while research assistant observed from a distance. After the conversation, participants are asked to fill out a 5 minutes brief survey asking the degree of psychological closeness to the person they talk to. Considering the relatively short time frame in the study, I think it is hard to ask people about their opinions on conversation partner closeness. The limitation on the time frame may influences the result of the survey as participants would take personal account into answering the question. The research observes that participants conversing in the presence of cell phone had a lower level of empathic concern comparing to those without cell phone. The result of the experiment proves the hypothesis that the presence of cell phone disrupts the quality of the conversation. The â€Å"Mere Presence† Hypothesis: Investigating the Nonverbal Effects of Cell-Phone Presence on Conversation Satisfaction. The research in the article focuses on testing the existing hypothesis of cell phone’s negative impactShow MoreRelatedTechnology And Its Effect On Society Essay1864 Words   |  8 PagesTechnology Evolution Technology is turning people into more of multitasking machines, and less of social interacting people. As a twenty one year old college student in the year of 2015, I try to imagine of the days when technology wasn’t so accessible or available in any form. A time when everyone didn’t have smart phones in arms reach at every breathing moment. Most technology is extremely convenient and can become addicting, being as we are creatures of habit. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Discuss and research theories/ studies relating to the formation of relationships Free Essays

There are many theories relating to formation of relationships. These include the filter theory, the matching hypotheses, social-biological theory and the reinforcement-affect theory. Kerckhoff and Davis came up with the filter model of attraction. We will write a custom essay sample on Discuss and research theories/ studies relating to the formation of relationships or any similar topic only for you Order Now They believed that we rely on social and personal factors to filter potential relationships from the field of eligibles. There are five criteria; proximity, similarity, physical attractiveness, complementarity of needs and competence. We narrow down the people whom we may form a relationship with, through a series of selection filters. The criteria tend to be used a different stages. In initial attraction, proximity is the obvious filter; we form relationships with those who live close by, this is how we may become aware of the person. Similarity is important because the people who we share the same ethnicity, background and occupation we are more likely to talk and come in contact with. Once this stage of filtering has taken place, people then consider weather we share the same attitudes as the other person. Duck and Gillmor believed if we do share similar attitudes then the relationship is more likely to be pursued. Caspi and Herbener carried out a survey which found that married couples who were more similar were more satisfied with their marriage. People may have been initially drawn together because of their similarity, but it may become apparent that one person has characteristics that the other lacks, for example someone who is domineering may be attracted to someone who is submissive. Physical attraction plays an important role when forming relationships. Many studies have supported this, for example in Walters computer dance study; couples where randomly selected and assigned to each other for an evening dance, Walster found that physical attractiveness was the single best predictor of how much person liked their assigned ‘date’. However this study has been criticised as it lacks relevance to real life relationships. In Initial attraction, physical attraction has been said to be important. However people are not attracted by the most attractive person. The Matching hypothesis said that we are more likely to form a relationship with some who has a similar level of attractiveness; a possible reason for this is a fear of rejection. The matching hypothesis has been supported by Murstien. In his study people were asked to rate photos of couples and rate them in terms of physical attractiveness. Murstien summarized his findings â€Å"individuals with equal market value for physical attractiveness are more likely to associate in an intimate relationship such as engagement, than individuals with disparate values.’ However this is not always the case as some couples may be seen to be physically ‘miss matched’. It is argued though that those who are miss matched balance out in other areas problems can occur in miss matched couples, the less attractive person might feel insecure or jealous of the attention given to their partner, this could also effect the less attractive person self-esteem; which could threaten the long term success of the relationship. Another theory in formation of relationships is the socio-biological theory. Wilson argued that human sexual attraction and behaviour may be explained through an understanding of ‘survival efficiency.’ The theory suggests that men like to impregnate many women as it increases there chances of there genes to be carried down to generations. However a woman’s best chance of her genes surviving is to ensure that her offspring is healthy and caring for them. There are problems with this theory, it overemphasis on reproduction, not all couples want children and it also excludes homosexual couples. The theory raises an ethical concern as it can be seen to be supporting gender stereotypes, allowing men sexual ‘privileges’ and freedoms which woman are denied. Another criticism of this theory is it lacks revalance in the modern world, the socio-biological theory may once have been relevant but not suit those today. The reinforcement-affect model suggest that we like people because we find them rewarding, we associate them with some pleasant. May and Hamilton carried out a study to support this theory; female student were asked to look at photographs of male’s, some looked at the photos while pleasant music was played while other looked at the same photos while unpleasant music was played. A comparison also looked at the photos but no music was play. They found that students who looked at the photos while listening to the pleasant music rated and liked the males in the photos best. This study and many others have shown positive feeling can lead to attraction. A lot of the theories and studies in formation of relationships have been criticised. Much of the research is seen as artificial and ‘leaves out most of the things people do in everyday life’ Duck 1999. Another reason they have been criticised is research focuses on romantic relationships and leaves platonic friendships. Theories and studies also have not taken into count the influence of others such as family and friends as they can have an affect on relationships we form. Also in polygynous cultures, a man may have several wives at the same time. No characteristics are absolute, all are relative. We may like a characteristic in someone attractive at some point in relationship but find it negative at another time, for example; as fall in love someone we may like someone’s unpredictability but as well fall out of love with them we may see it as irresponsibility. Other questions have also been raised; does familiarity always lead to liking? Do we like people more because we spend time with them? Or do we spend we spend more time with them because we like them? Frequency of interaction does not always result to greater liking. It was demonstrated by Warr that it can produce more disliking. How to cite Discuss and research theories/ studies relating to the formation of relationships, Essays

Friday, December 6, 2019

Final Exam Mba 503 Essay Example For Students

Final Exam Mba 503 Essay Final Exam The exam is an individual effort and should not be discussed with others. Send your completed exam to your assignment folder by the last day of class. The purpose of the exam is to demonstrate your understanding of both written and discussion materials presented in this course. If you have any questions concerning this exam, please send me an e-mail. I will remove your name and post the question and response in the main news group. The test is composed of 30 T/F questions worth 2 points each for a total of 60 points, 5 multiple choice worth 2 points each for a total of 10 points, two short answer questions worth 15 points each. Good Luck! The following are True / False (T/F). Please answer with a T or an F. If you are not sure about a question and feel that it could be ambiguous, please put a brief explanation to justify your answer. Put your answer on the excel answer sheet, answers not submitted with your answer sheet will not be considered. You may do this on up to 2 T/F problems for partial credit, if you attempt to justify more than 2, I will not give you any credit for your justifications. Your justification must be supported by a reasonable position. ) The internet has had not impact on financial service firms such as Meryl Lynch and Morgan Stanley F 2) The Federal Reserve is governed by the presidents of the world’s 10 largest banks. F 3) A sole proprietorship is taxed the same as a corporation or LLC. F 4) Working capital is the same as cash in the bank. F 5) Depreciation expense is a non-cash item. T 6) The book value and the market value of a stock are always the same number. F 7) The term s â€Å"merger,† â€Å"consolidation,† and â€Å"restructuring† all mean the same thing. F ) The job of an auditor in a normal financial statement audit is to determine if there is any fraud present. F 9) Zero coupon bonds be issued by any type of entity that has the ability to issue bonds. T 10) There are 13 significant ratios in financial accounting. F 11) There are no differences between tax and financial income. F 12) Extraordinary items are items that are both infrequent in occurrence and unusual in nature. T 13) Proforma financial statements are a very accurate gage of a businesses future income. F 14) The components of fixed and variable costs are typically the same items. F 15) If airlines sold paint, it would much cheaper than at Home Depot or Lowes. F 16) Break even analysis is a useful tool for both large and small businesses. T 17) Seasonal fluctuations can have a dramatic impact on working capital. T 18) Financial leverage is good to have in a business because the more debt, the better off financially a business is. F 19) An individual conducting a sole proprietorship files Schedule C of Form 1040, a partnership files Form 1065, a regular (C) corporation files Form 1120, and an S corporation files Form 1120S. T 20) Tax incentives are the same in every state. F 21) The use of float is an illegal system to maximize cash balances. F 22) Under Check 21, the banks now clear checks must faster. T 23) The 5 Cs of credit are character, capital, capacity, conditions, and collateral. F 24) The average collection period is the A/R divided by the average daily credit sales. F 25) Just in Time inventory management was developed by Ford Motor Company. T 26) Cumulative voting rights allow you to skip an election and vote more than once in the next election. F 7) Poison Pills are effective means to reduce the likelihood of a hostile takeover. T 28) Cumulative preferred dividends are paid first after the bond holders and before any common stock dividends have been paid. T 29) In today’s economic market, borrowing from a bank represents the lowest cost of capital to an organization. T 30) The real rate of return calculation includes a component for current inflation. T Please select the best answer in each problem. If you are not sure about a question and feel that it could be ambiguous, please put a brief explanation to justify your answer. Agriculture EssayAdjustments to determine cash flow from operating activities: Add back depreciation($50,000) Increase in accounts receivable($50,000) Increase in inventory($20,000) Decrease in prepaid expenses$20,000 Increase in accounts payable$190,000 Decrease in accrued expenses$(20,000) Total adjustments$270,000 Net cash flows from operating activities$430,000 Cash flows from investing activities: *Increase in investments (long-term)$110,000 Increase in property($400,000) Net cash flow from investing activities($290,000) Cash flows from financing activities: Increase in bonds payable$50,000 Preferred stock dividends paid($10,000) Common stock dividends paid($50,000) Net cash flows from financing activities($10,000) - Net increase in cash flows$130,000 (430000-290000-10000) Note: *the increase in investments was calculated from the difference of the Total assets (actual) versus total assets (stated) in the problem. Example, the total assets is stated as $1,910,000 for BOY whereas the actual calculated value is $1,830,000. The difference of $80,000 comes from the long term investment.