Monday, November 18, 2019

Individual essay on my team experience Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Individual on my team experience - Essay Example However, considering the team’s organisation, delegation of duties and communication, Person B can be said to be the team leader. Her leadership traits emerged in the first group meeting, where she coordinated the activities and played the lead role in setting the team’s goals and objectives. Person B ensured that every team member participated in the all the team’s activities and ascertained that we all knew our roles and contributions to the team. She set the team’s activities in motion, facilitated communication within the team and helped in defining clear goals for the team.3 Even though all the team members were equals, she had a certain influence on the group that helped to set the team’s activities in motion. She was leading a group of peers and successfully maintained influence on us without leading into disagreements. This paper will discuss some of the leadership traits and skills that Person B possessed and the manner in which they influenced the whole team. It is difficult to manage a diverse team, especially one that is composed of individuals who bear equal authority. This means that a single individual cannot domineer or assert authority over the others.4 However, one individual can rise above the rest and influence the others by motivating them, facilitating activities, encouraging the team members, enhancing effective communication and maintaining trust, therefore, playing a leadership role in the team. 5 This was the case with our MG100 team. Person B showed leadership skills and helped the team to achieve its goals. We were all held accountable for the team’s performance, meaning that she was not responsible for the team’s output. As team members, we did not report to her but she facilitated the group’s activities because she had great organisational skills, which allowed every team member to trust her with the leadership role.6 We did not conduct a formal selection to instil her as our leader, but the value

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