Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The Complex Character of Mathilde Loisel in The Necklace...

The Complex Character of Mathilde Loisel in The Necklace The development of a character on paper is key to being able to create that character on stage. The development of character on paper is also key to understanding it in our imaginations. I read and understand stories and novels much the same way that I read a play script†¦through character analysis. I believe that understanding characters in a short story, or any form of fiction for that matter, is essential to many reader’s abilities to grasp and enjoy the work. I know in my own life I cannot connect to the plot of a story without the aid of a character. It is how the characters deal with the plot twists and turn that help emerse me in the story and mentally†¦show more content†¦We see at the onset of this tale a set-up for her character. The author tells us of her physical beauty and charm and how she views it essentially as a curse because she had not been born into a high class family but rather a family of humbler means. Because of her families status the cruelest of fate had befallen her†¦there was no way she could ever release herself from the mire of what she considered poverty. Even her beauty and wit could not aid her in bettering herself because no respectable man of means would stoop so far below his station and see her as the rose among thorns that she thought she was. So she †¦Let[s] herself be married to a little clerk at the Ministry of Public Instruction (535). Clerks don’t make an incredible amount of money but they make enough to live comfortably, by my standards in any case. Mathilde had a maid that did some of the housework but she always wanted more. I think in a way she was angry at herself for allowing the marriage to take place and manifested that anger towards her husband because she felt she deserved more than he could ever offer her. It’s nothing that I can pin to anyone passage in the story but I think that throughout the first half we see evidence of Mathilde’s resentment towards her husband and their station in life. He brings her an announcement to the party of the year, she is unhappy because she has nothing to wear and believes she will be perceived as a peasant. He gives up his gun money so thatShow MoreRelatedEssay on Comparing â€Å"the Story of an Hour† and â€Å"the Necklace†1632 Words   |  7 PagesComparing â€Å"The Story of an Hour† and â€Å"The Necklace† Short stories are always very enjoyable to read. They are very concise but mostly have such a deep message resonating throughout the text that the reader is left pondering over an extension of the story to imagine the possible ending if they were novels instead. The works under consideration are meant to be compared because of their unique theme which reflects how two authors can write similar yet distinctive stories in different times. 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Guy de Maupassant’s short story, â€Å"The Necklace†, tells a tale of a vain, narcissistic housewife who longed for the aristocratic lifestyle that she believed she was creditable for. In describingRead MoreShort Stories Of The Nineteenth Century1266 Words   |  6 Pageswith plot twists is intricately expressed in his short story, â€Å"The Necklace† which instills a sense of amusement and horror as the reader progresses through the story. The protagonist of the story is Mme. Mathilde Loisel who borrows a diamond necklace from her friend to wear to a party at the Ministry. After the party, she loses the necklace and hence buys a similar piece at a painfully expensive price. The cost of replacing the necklace not only affected her and her husband financially but also theirRead MoreNineteenth Century Gender Roles Exposed in The Necklace and The Story of an Hour2020 Words   |  9 Pagesmoney. Most men thought women were so fragile that they could not run their own lives. Women may not have liked it but they were forced to live this way The men were the head of the household and made all the decisions. The representation of The Necklace and The story of an hour represents gender roles as defined by the nineteenth century society guidelines . The The Story of an Hour was set in the late nineteenth century in the home of Louise Mallard.(Kate Chopin).It was written on April

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