Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Management Process on Bmw - 1271 Words

Management Process On BMW Organization INTRODUCTION: The brand name (BMW) was established around the year 1913. During this period, the previous owner of a German aircraft company and a distinguished engineer, K. F. Rapp had established a business in order to manufacture aircraft engines (McDonald, 2005). He had started the company with the name of Rapp Motoren Werke in the city of Munich (originally, the company was based out of a suburban location. The primary reason behind setting up the company at this location was the presence of a major customer (Gustav Otto Aircraft Company) at a nearby location. Rapp quickly met success in his business of manufacturing aircrafts. However, he continued searching for new dimensions in order to†¦show more content†¦BMW when dealing with the efficiency aspect concerns itself with optimum utilization of human, financial and other resources (this deployment is irrespective of the original purpose of bringing these sources into the organization). BMW through various activities makes sure that the primary objective of its establishment (i.e. maximization of shareholder’s worth and earning profits) is fulfilled. BMW ensures that the various tangible as well as intangible resources that have been deployed in the organization are not wasted. This reduces its cost of production. Thus, for BMW operations management is important in order to carry out the objectives of an increased labor productivity, yield and appropriate working capital utilization (McDonald, 2005). Product Management- This category of Operations Management concerns itself with managing a product (or service) right from the stages of idea generation to providing after sales services. Product Management is extremely important to BMW as it places great importance in its products and services. According to the management at BMW, there are various aspects to product or service management. The process of product management originates right from the time of idea generation for a new product and continues till providing ongoing support to customers of the new product. BMW with the help of an effective operations managementShow MoreRelatedStrategic Management Process Paper618 Words   |  3 PagesStrategic Management Process Kimberly Bruno MGT 498 October 29, 2012 Homer Johnstone Strategic Management Process For an organization to achieve success a successful product or service is necessary. However, a successful organization requires much more than that. An organization needs a full-scale management plan. This displays plans for the future and allows an organization to run like a well-oiled machine. 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